Dr Stephen Bunker
Clinical Research Advisor
Stephen has a health professional background having worked for many years as a clinical nurse specialist in cardiology and prior to that, in mental health.
Stephen was Manager of the National Heart Foundation (Victorian Division) cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention program for 15 years. This included a 5-year period as National Program Manager responsible for providing leadership and strategy for the Foundation’s cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention activities throughout Australia.
Stephen has a strong interest in research and evaluation and has spent three years as a Senior Research Fellow working on research projects in the areas of diabetes prevention, chronic disease risk factor prevalence and depression and heart disease.
As well as research, Stephen has a strong interest in health professional education and has been involved in delivering smoking cessation workshops in association with QUIT and depression recognition workshops with beyondblue – the national depression initiative.
Stephen is currently Research Consultant to Medibank Health Services providing input and advice in relation to evidence-based chronic disease prevention and management programs.