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+61 (0) 3 9534 7222

Introducing GoShare Plus

Healthily and Pen CS have partnered to integrate GoShare and CAT4 to create GoShare Plus - a powerful new patient engagement tool.

Introducing GoShare Plus

Supporting quality improvement and preventive health activities

Healthily and Pen CS have partnered to create GoShare Plus – a ‘next generation’ SMS reminder tool that makes it easy for Practice staff to send credible and engaging health information to lists of patients.

GoShare Plus provides an easy to access and efficient way for General Practices to implement quality improvement measures, increase participation rates for health initiatives and  improve the delivery of health education resources.

GoShare Plus is the result of an integration of Healthily’s patient education platform GoShare, with Pen CS’s CAT4.  It enables Practice staff to identify lists of patients based on selected criteria and deliver targeted health promotion campaigns using engaging, evidence-based resources including patient stories (videos), animations and fact sheets.

Example use cases:

  • Cancer screening participation: Send patients who are about to turn 50 years information about the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program kit (patient story, animation on how to use the kit and fact sheet) with the goal of increasing participation.
  • Shingles vaccination: Send eligible patients aged between 70-79 years information about shingles and suggest that they speak to their doctor about prevention strategies.
  • Home Medicines Review: Send information on the process and benefits of HMR to eligible patients to encourage them to present for an assessment.

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