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Functional decline: the patient experience

Client: Alfred Health and The Department of Health
Project Duration: 8 months

Best Care for Older People: The Patient Experience was produced in response to growing concern that many older people are discharged from hospital in worse condition than when they were admitted, having undergone functional decline during their stay. Often, the reason for this decline is unrelated to their presenting condition.

The resource is a companion to the Health Department’s publication ‘Best Care for Older people in hospital; The Toolkit’. Like the Toolkit, it is intended as an educational resource for health professionals working in hospitals. Through first hand stories told by people speaking from their own experience of the hospital system, it highlights the problems faced by both patients and health professionals, and suggests solutions.

Filmed over five and a half days at different hospital and residential locations around Victoria, this program features a balanced mix of healthcare professionals, patients and loved ones. Shot by award winning cinematographer Brent Crockett ACS, the crisp, vibrant images complement the clearly articulated themes and strategies introduced in the Toolkit. Senior healthcare professionals bookend the video clips with thoughtful pieces to camera that give context to the content as narrative support for the Toolkit.

For us at RealTime Health, it was an absorbing experience and another great result!

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